2014 Resolutions

Thursday 9 January 2014
Love, may this year be saturated in it. 

Happy New Year! 

I know we have not spoken in quite some time but I needed some time off. With the general stress I was exuding towards the end of last year, a happy-go-lucky blog post was at the bottom of my To Do lists. Looking back on 2013 there was a lot of growth. There were some challenges and lots of successes at work, I moved out of my home and began living alone in my gorgeous little cottage, I travelled the globe, my garden of friendships and relationships blossomed but most importantly I almost lost two of my family members. What a wakeup call. I know I have changed and grown yet again and I am grateful for the people around me who love and support me.

So it is a new year, a good year, a bright year. I have so much to look forward to. There are 5 little things I want to try remember this year. Why 5 you ask? There are always 5, it is my number! They are pretty small but they root from big things I learnt in 2013. They also might seem frivolous to some as there is no 'stake-in-the-ground' resolution like I want to quit smoking or try eat more greens, this is because I've come to the realization that those resolutions are all complete. I want to better myself as a human this year. I want to deepen my understanding and grow from the inside out. 

2014 Resolutions, here they are; 

With all you do, try do it with love.
I still strongly believe in Karma.

Less clutter, a full heart, stay in the moment.
You do not know when it or they will be taken from you.

In all you do, and in work.
No one ever won something for being mediocre.

You get out what you put in right?
My body is a temple.

Last but most important, smile.

Have a fantastic 2014 darlings, I hope you feel inspired!


PS. "If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that."


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